About Knox Golf
The Kenny Knox Golf Company was established in June of 2012 with the intention of giving golfers of all different skill levels the opportunity to improve their game by lowering their score. Since about 1/2 of a golfer’s score is spent around and on the putting surface, it would stand to reason that the serious golfer should, at the very least, have technology that would deliver quality shots and raise one’s expectations for success. Without question, our technology does just that. But wait, The Kenny Knox Golf Company is more than another so-called “High Tech” Golf Company. Yes, we do offer superior technology to the industry, but we also offer exceptional online video lessons – at absolutely no charge – from one of the all-time great short game players. Kenny Knox is well known for his putting records on The PGA Tour. Kenny shattered 3 different PGA Tour records during the 1989 MCI Heritage Classic played on the famed Harbour Town Golf Links at Hilton Head Island, S.C. Kenny had 8 putts for 9 holes, 18 putts for 18 holes and a tournament total of 93 putts for 72 holes. How did he have so few putts? His answer was simple: his pitching, chipping, and sand play was every bit equal to his putting.

Kenny has developed a line of putters that reflect his PGA Tour accomplishments. He has coined them his “Record Series”. The Record Series 08-4-09 is made with 303 stainless steel. The “08" putter face is milled to the Knox Golf Company specifications. The putter head has been treated with a QPQ finish. The QPQ finish makes the putter more durable and has a slightly different feel than most plating finishes. Feeling is believing especially when the ball is hunting the hole. The 18-4-18 is a classic heel shafted offset blade that has a 3/4 toe hang. This style putter will work best for the player that has more of a rounded type stroke. The “18” is offered in a beautiful nickel finish and also a standard brushed sandblast finish. Kenny’s 18 putts for 18 holes is still a PGA Tour record. The 93-4-72 represents Kenny’s record of 93 putts over a 72 hole tournament. The “93” is a traditional blade with an offset plumbers neck. The “93” comes in black Chrome and brushed sandblast.
We offer mallets and blades in our newest line of “Transformer” putters. There are 6 right-handed blades and 6 left-handed blades. We also have 6 right-handed mallets and 6 left-handed mallets. (To view all putters, click “Record Series” or “Transformer” at bottom of page) Using our new Laser Aim Fitting System, we are able to custom fit someone with the style putter that best lines the player to their intended target. It makes an incredible difference when an individual knows for sure that they are lined up correctly.
The Kenny Knox Golf Company will come to you. Kenny has done many “Demo Days” all around the Country. Kenny also conducts many “Short Game Schools” at various locations during the year. He enjoys the opportunity to meet anyone that is trying to improve their ability to play the game of golf.
Many professional club fitters are discovering the opportunity to help improve a golfer’s game when the “Laser Aim Fitting System” is put into practice.
The Kenny Knox Golf Company also features many of Kenny’s classic videos that will help educate golfers in his personal Tournament tested methods.
The goal of The Kenny Knox Golf Company is to provide golfers with the highest technology in the industry while at the same time providing instruction that would allow any individual at any skill level to lower their scores. We pride ourselves on custom fitting golfers with the proper equipment.